We hope you find them helpful. This is a guide to the level 60 gear dropped in the new Wizard101 dungeons, House of Scales and Lower Zigazag. $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); Level 100+-Darkmoor At this point depending on your school is how your gear will be. The first boss battle with Luska Charmbeak only drops the hats for each school. Here is some more information and gear for level 100. In this article, we'll be featuring and comparing ideal damage-focused, critical-focused, and balanced gear sets. It is yet to be confirmed whether every piece drops from the aforementioned bosses, as some gear is still unaccounted for. – allows you to fluently switch between mastery amulets Click on each of the below images to see all the gear items depending on type (Hats, Robes, Boots, etc). Official Wizard101 UK Blog/Fansite on July 16th, 2012 . Tier 1 is a crafted set that also requires pieces from the Tier 2 gear. Each guide shows relevant gear options in a format to help you easily compare them. https://finalbastion.com/wizard101-guides/w101-farming-guides/farming-etiquette-101/. Remember that the “best” gear depends on your role and objectives. Other minor differences between dropped and crafted are the item cards. Nov 06, 2019. Ever wonder what gears to go for as a Fire Wizard while you're journeying through the Spiral? Apart from that, it seems that all gear also drops from the Aberrant Paradox in Karamelle City. Skeleton Keys Boss Guides. Wizard101 opens a magical world of fun gameplay and adventure. Wizard101 Bundle Guide: All Bundles Wizard101 has a multitude of bundles to offer, some seasonal, some with spells, others furniture, and still others with jewels. Patrick enjoys sharing insights about gear, pets and optimizing various activities in Wizard101 and Pirate101. Thanks. Sometimes it can take a while for us to get to it, so we appreciate your patience! Thanks! The three tiers of gear dropped in Darkmoor all have different looks. The gear itself is similar to that found in the Wizard City Catacombs, but not as powerful in some cases. Tier 2 can be crafted and also is dropped from bosses). Through the intensive farming we carried out, we unfortunately were unable to obtain much of this reagent as it seems to have a very low drop rate. What’s the best gear for a max level Wizard (currently level 130)? We at Final Bastion are excited to share the newest installment in our best max level gear series, this time for the Fire school. [Guide] Catacombs Gear Guide (Level 130) -FB. This guide will provide an overview of each bundle and link to individual bundle guides and reviews. Proficient in quite a few other areas of the game such as gardening, fishing, and most of all monstrology. Each tier has an entire set of gear (hat, robe, boots, wand, amulet, athame, ring). Hey all! We compare the drops here with the most notable alternate options currently available. https://finalbastion.com/wizard101-guides/w101-farming-guides/farming-etiquette-101/. wizard101 school design gear guide provides a comprehensive and comprehensive pathway for students to see progress after the end of each module. Guides about Wizard101 equipment are in here. Guide to Energy Gear; Guide to Dropped Hairstyles; Crown Gear. The largest and most comprehensive Wizard101 Wiki for all your Wizard101 needs! Wizard101: Dragoon Gear Guide!Make sure to LIKE if you enjoyed! jQuery(document).ready(function($) { Your email address will not be published. Pretty sure. Check out this piece to learn how to make the most of your runs in the Team-Up Kiosk! Wizard101 House of Scales Gear Guide. Thanks!Subscribe for more videos! First, one of the best rings available with damage. Still, it is a very nice and easier-to-obtain alternative as the fights to get the gear are far easier than any creature found in the Catacombs. // Enable Bootstrap Tooltips And fourth, a staff with a good energy bonus. You can send it to finalbastion101@gmail.com, I have a picture of the Tier 2 ice ring, as you are missing it. Each recipe costs a whopping 60,000 gold and requires the Revered Crafted badge. Check out the new Wizard101 Level 130 crafted and dropped gear available in the Catacombs! We were able to find the reagent from these battles as of now: For the most part, yes. Added the info to the guide. However, the last battle with Sylster Glowstorm drops the entire set of the gear. If you have a guide to post, please place it in the General Wizard101 guides forum where they will … We try to keep the guides up-to-date when there are new game updates or when new packs come out. Don't forget to drop a like if you enjoyed. There are, however, some tiny albeit noticeable differences. Required fields are marked *, Our new author, James Nightwraith goes over some tips for farming etiquette in @Wizard101 . The Uber Sciencer Boots can be dropped from the Aberrant Paradox. Community Leader. Like previous world releases, Karamelle has brought us plenty of newgear for us to collect. Pack Guides Wizard101. The final gear guide! Thanks but can you specify which piece drops exactly as “uber dreamscape” is an entire set. As part of the largest Wizard101 Community and Wizard101 Forums online, this is a … Wizard101 has lots of gear to choose from. Bundle Guides Wizard101. Level 100 Gear Guide For Bundles; ... Official Wizard101 US Blog/Fansite on September 13th, 2012. With his main focus in Wizard101 PvE, you will find Cody knee deep fighting one of the Spiral's major bosses with an army of wizards at his disposal. Your email address will not be published. Ravenwood Academy was founded to give wizards a place to learn about Wizard101. Would it be possible for you to send us an image of it? This is a guide for the best gear for your wizard throughout the game, levels 1-130. I’ll attach a link to the website box, i have the uber sweetsmith boots if you still need an image of them! i been farming for few day now it doesnt seem to drop i’ve got all other uber athame except life one, Director rings and executive ring are alternate gear with good damage, death Uber Sentamentalist Knife dropped by The Bundozer in Nibbleheim Mine confirmed i just got it from there while farming for uber sweetsmith knife. Keep that in … Third, an athame with pretty good damage that also offers an energy bonus. shift spells cost 3 pips or 6 normal pips utility or not Lvl 5 crown gear (can be farmed) lvl 30 zeus gear 56-60 crafted or WW gear It is basically a slightly enhanced StormBlade (+35% rather than +30%) but already enchanted with Aegis. The gear is obtained from the boss battles in the Waterworks dungeon in Crab Alley, Wizard City. The crafting recipes can be purchased from Johann in Karamelle City, who is located near the Nanavator. http://prntscr.com/vvbw3g fire Wunderbar Freshbaker Knife drops from the bundozer all the pic i sent u r from bundozer, http://prntscr.com/vvbszk from the bundozer, have anyone got uber sweetsmith knife from the bundozer yet? Karamelle has a variety of level 140 gear drops from bosses throughout the world. Matthew525011. If you like to read an overview of the dungeons, including cheats and strategy tips, check out our House of Scales and Lower Zigazag guide. Farmed it for several hours on 4 wizards and was able to obtain most of the athames including it. you can also craft lore spells but i do see why you need them unless your gonna PvP and frogy hit hard with just 2-3 blades and unless you have gear to support deer, lore or any other spell frog will do more. This reagent is a key piece to crafting the below gear. The helm, boots, and ring are really good for offense, the robe and athame is good for defensive, the wand can be good for Fire or Storm depending on the rest of the gear, and the amulet is good if you’re Life / Death and don’t have Ratatoskr’s Spin / Ship of Fools. He chases after every single creature out there and catalogs them for all to see! Tier 3 are dropped. GEAR, BUNDLES & PACKS. However, this is the general idea we have obtained from gear farming so far. However, there are some minor drawbacks – it cannot be used in PvP and it costs one pip. Guides, Pets, Spells, Quests, Bosses, Creatures, NPCs, Crafting, Gardening and more! We suggest that you check out Cody’s guide on gear with the best outgoing healing, as it includes several high-resist gear options as well. http://prntscr.com/vvbv57 ice Wunderbar Wonderneer Knife, hey cody are you sure the life uber athame drop from the bundozer i’ve been farming for few day now it doesnt seem to drop i’ve got all other uber except life one from all 3 of my account. Collect cool creatures to train in fun mini pet games, and win awesome gear from tough boss battles. It seems to drop any of the items, so feel free to post any of the missing gear from above . Click on any image for a complete bundle guide. Click on the picture to link to them. Second, a critical ring with an energy bonus. The Academy is a home for exchanging ideas, facing challenges and making friends in a family friendly environment. guide on gear with the best outgoing healing, Wizard101 Beastmoon Hunt: How to Get Upgrades & Rewards, Wizard101 Beastmoon Hunt: Getting Started in 15 Minutes, Renegade Druid Strategy Guide and Speed Run, Questing in a group & playing the role of a hitter, or, Playing PvP in an offensive or traditional role. Insane DAMAGE!Thanks For Watching. Farmhand Tullah (Side Boss in Candy Corn Farm). jQuery(document).ready(function($) { The Academy is a home for exchanging ideas, facing challenges and making friends in a family friendly environment. Crafted and Uber (tier 1) gear are nearly identical and are thus tied for the best sets from Karamelle. But (un)fortunately, only some pieces are viable, especially later on. – adds damage to moon and shadow spells Good gear makes every battle faster and easier, so it is worth investing the time to make your level 5 wizard the best it can be. School Mastery Amulets; Crown Gear Drops; Gears By Level. Feel free to send us any of the missing gear pieces (and drop locations) if you can to complete the guide! , please make an effort to include universal gear in these gear guides which are otherwise fantastic. Take a look below! We seek to be a welcoming community for wizards of all ages and to help wizards on their adventures through the Spiral. Have you ever looked at Universal gear sets? Ravenwood Academy was founded to give wizards a place to learn about Wizard101. We’ve listed each school gear guide below. I have been considering the advantage of maximizing universal damage and resist and pierce etc.. While many people are farming Karamelle's final boss, the Aberrant Paradox, other bosses also drop some of the top-tier gear. The new gear trend with the latest worlds is that crafted gear matches the best dropped gear from the same world. Here's my build for LVL 140 Fire!! Why monstrology? They are all very similar in stats with each set being slightly more powerful than the one before. Patrick enjoys sharing insights about gear, pets and optimizing various activities in Wizard101 and Pirate101. If you have a guide to post, please place it in the General Wizard101 guides forum where they will be sorted and moved. This forum is not open for new topics. ... Level 120+ Time Warden Gear Drop Guide: Hats & Boots. Some additional loot you might be interested in from the boss battles in Waterworks are the mastery amulets from the Crown Shop and … Ima farm last boss do u need any screen shot gear that u haven’t had ? There are three dropped sets and an additional crafted set that crafted which will all be covered below. Posted on October 31, 2018 (February 4, 2019) by Amber Ravynsong One thought on “ Level 5 Gear Guide ” $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); Hades was part of Wizard101's first area and dungeon wizards could rent instead of buy. Quick note: Lots of Aphrodite's items come with jewel slots. The recipe will still require a Wunderbar deck (tier 2). So make sure to pay attention to these attributes when you’re equipping new … The decks are probably the biggest difference here, as the dropped decks only get tear sockets. Thanks to everyone that watched and liked the first gear guide. A Bit About Empyrea and the Castaway Bundle (Adventures of the Spiral) All Bundles Guide (Final Bastion) Battle in Style: A Complete Guide to School Design Gear (Final Bastion) Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack Guide (Wizard101 Folio) Grizzleheim Lore Pack (Wizard101 Folio) Guide to Bundles & Gauntlets (Final Bastion) Other Wizard101 and Pirate101 Guides: Check out other guides to our favorite games! Required fields are marked *, Life Colossus and Life Fairy Beastform Overview, Our new author, James Nightwraith goes over some tips for farming etiquette in @Wizard101 . Wizard101: Best Gear for levels 100-125. There are many other guides for specific gear at max level for each wizard. We will be updating this list as we find new gear or our viewers submit it! Darn lol I farmed on 3 characters for 3 day 8 hour each day I still didn’t get it . Let’s take a look at Aegis StormBlade. While Hades' gear is currently in an awkward spot being squished into setups ten levels before Darkmoor, it was a staple at the time of its release, replacing Waterworks gear for those lucky enough to snag it (though there were a fair number of Waterworks holdouts). Take a look at this guide if you need help obtaining the crafting badge. General Gear Guide. Just a quick look at what to go for as you get to the end of the game. He helps out with technology, gear guides and often covers new dungeon/boss strategies and speed runs after story updates. They are school specific Aegis blades. }); Your email address will not be published. We’ve seen this question asked many times, so we created a guide for each school. This is also the case with Karamelle! The gear provides some remarkable item cards including Epic (+315), Indemnity, and Aegis and other school damage auras. // Enable Bootstrap Tooltips Wizards can learn spells, fight monsters, and make friends for free in the magic Wizard games world of Wizard City! https://finalbastion.com/wizard101-guides/w101-gear-jewels-mounts/wizard101-catacombs-gear-level … It seems as thought KI has been making an effort to create them lately as well…, Your email address will not be published. When starting out, you should focus on gear with health, damage, power pip chance, and accuracy. However, the most noteworthy item cards are found on the amulets. We will, of course, credit you. Karamelle has level 140 gear divided in different sets (without set bonuses, sadly). The gear itself is similar to that found in the Wizard City Catacombs, but not as powerful in some cases. Still, it is a very nice and easier-to-obtain alternative as the fights to get the gear are far easier than any … Guides about Wizard City Skeleton Key Bosses are in here. Also, I used item identifier on the life athame and as drop locations it listed both The Bundozer and the Paradox. He helps out with technology, gear guides and often covers new dungeon/boss strategies and speed runs after story updates. }); What are your thoughts on the Karamelle Level 140 Gear? The dropped gear is available in three sets – Guten (Tier 3), Wunderbar (Tier 2) and Uber (Tier 1). This forum is not open for new topics. There are three "tiers" of gear - tier 1 is the best gear, tier 2 is the second best, and tier 3 is the third best. They are all very similar in stats with each set being slightly more powerful than the one before. Grandfather Spider awaits in the Sands of Time for the final duel of Mirage. Check out this piece to learn how to make the most of your runs in the Team-Up Kiosk! Level 140+ Gear Drops: Karamelle Gear Guide | Wizard101. We seek to be a welcoming community for wizards of all ages and to help wizards on their adventures through the Spiral. Tier 1 looks like Malistaire's gear, tier 2 looks like Shane von Shane's gear, and … We consider the gear listed in the guides the best if you are: If you are questing in a group and playing a support role (i.e., buffing the wizard that is going to hit and/or healing) or if you are playing a very defensive PvP strategy, we assume you are more interested in global resist and outgoing healing. Big thanks to Wolf StormRiver, loputon, Zeep, Stormcloud, jack darkflame, kratai, Jacob Stormsword and other Final Bastion staff for their help in providing images for some of the above gear. Wizard101: Best Gear for levels 50-99. The only known way to get a deck with a triangle socket is through crafting it. The dropped gear is available in three sets – Guten (Tier 3), Wunderbar (Tier 2) and Uber (Tier 1). 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